Finding out your partner is Type of Person having an affair is a terrible thing. You feel like your heart is being grabbed and stepped on. You feel like your relationship is now dirty and has been tainted by one reckless and stupid incident. So why not save yourself some heartache in the first place by not dating a cheater? Well, apparently, scientists have been asking the same question. Through research, they have been able to deduce what types of people are most likely to deviate.
Are social media fans more likely to cheat? – Type of Person
Researchers from the University of Missouri found that there is a high probability of active Twitter users engaging in a dispute with their spouse and ultimately resulting in an affair. This study has been published in the online journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking .
So what has the methodology involved in this study? 581 Twitter users responded to questions about their frequency of tweeting , replying to tweets , viewing the Twitter timeline and using direct messages. It was found that the amount of Twitter usage has a relationship that is directly proportional to the number of disputes in the relationship that arise due to the use of Twitter. And no wonder, either – I know that I would hate it if my boyfriend spent our limited time together busy checking feeds.its Twitter. One study author, Russell B. Clayton, stated that “it is reasonable to speculate that conflict (related to Twitter) could lead to unfortunate relationship outcomes such as infidelity, break-up, or divorce.”
This may mean he is more likely to have an affair. – Type of Person
While conflict related to Twitter is different from other types of conflict (fighting over household chores, for example) active Twitter users tend to think of their accounts as extensions of themselves. The ability to voice opinions freely without real-life, real-time confrontation allows active Twitter users to develop Amolatina a personal connection with their accounts. This means Twitter users can easily interpret arguments over their Twitter use as personal attacks, and because of this, conflict over Twitter triggers deep emotional turmoil between couples. Feelings of victimhood and misunderstanding result in these social media users turning to infidelities to satisfy their need to be accepted by their partners.
Apparently, this phenomenon isn’t just limited to Twitter: Clayton also discovered earlier that Facebook-related conflicts can also lead to infidelity. However, the rules generally apply to relationships shorter than three years. This new study finds that Twitter-related conflict leads to infidelity no matter how long the relationship is.
That said, for those who are already dating social media addicts, rest easy: Because this study primarily involved surveyers via the Twitter pages of Clayton and The Huffington Post, the sample size may not be an accurate representation of the general public. This is basically more skewed towards the followers of the two accounts.
In addition, Clayton also said that “some couples share social networking accounts together to reduce relationship conflict”. Which might be the right choice for you if you want to prevent conflicts that could lead to an affair.
Your partner’s choice of perfume may be related to his tendency to have an affair .
Be careful if your boyfriend/husband wears a light, woodsy cologne or if your girlfriend/wife wears a bold perfume. A survey conducted by Gleedon, a European dating site for those looking for an extramarital affair, found that countless men who cheat wear Yves Saint Laurent L’Homme, One Million Paco Rabanne, and Chanel Bleu among their favorite perfumes. Women who like to have affairs choose fragrances such as Shalimar by Guerlain, Coco Mademoiselle by Chanel, Hypnotic Poison by Dior, Very Irresistible by Givenchy, and La Petite Robe Noire by Guerlain.
While some of these perfumes are popular scents, it could also be that men who are prone to extramarital affairs are leaning towards portraying a more appropriate image of themselves. After all that, cheaters are often more image conscious than most: the majority of them want to know that they are adored and thought of in positive ways by a lot of people. So consciously, these men gravitate towards fragrances that are less heavy and musky than others. Cheating-prone women, on the other hand, may naturally lean toward more intense, seductive scents out of a desire to feel sexually attracted and provocative.
Does your husband work in engineering? – Type of Person
Does this surprise you as much as it surprises me? Who would have thought that a geeky computer geek would be the most disloyal? As far as professions go, Information Technology and engineering are not the sexiest. But according to a 2012 Ashley Madison study, in which over 11,000 fathers with an Ashley Madison account were surveyed, married men from the IT and engineering fields make up 10.6% of those who have affairs.
It’s not clear why this is, but speculation includes. That people working in technology are relatively more open to the initial idea of cheating on online cheating dating sites. While others may prefer the more traditional methods of finding someone to hook up with. Working in engineering may also prevent engineers from discussing. Their work with their partners in more detail and specifics. The frustration of a communication gap in the relationship can itself lead to cheating.
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Even though the study claims to have found. That certain types of people are more likely to cheat than others. At the end of the day, you need to remember that infidelity is still a very personal decision. Whatever characteristics a person has. That make him or her more likely to have an affair. The conclusion is that he or she must make. The final decision whether or not to hurt someone through an affair.
So, there is no really instant way to find out if your partner will betray you. Plus, even chronic cheaters can change. If they’re in the right relationship (although, I’m not in favor of forming a relationship with. The ultimate goal of correcting your partner’s cheating behavior. You’ll only end up leaving yourself heartbroken and disappoint). Therefore, take the results of this study for insight only. One day, if your partner does have an affair. Don’t blame yourself for not seeing the “signs” beforehand – there’s no other way.
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